WTI Crude Daily 17Feb

Monday's Auction
via The Daily

As noted in Mon's analysis, focus on directional response following near D shape distribution, 53.20s-52.70s, was key in Tue's auction as minor range extension higher toward 53.45s, failed to result in acceptance higher. Selling interest emerged, driving price back into Balance, implying the potential for price discovery lower based on a false breakout. A Sell Spike formed into the NY open ultimately driving price toward the Avg Daily Range Low. Focus on response to Tue's NY Selling Tail, 54.15s-53.70s, Key Structural Resistance into Wed's auction.  


Tuesday's Micro-Blog Excerpt I

Noted here (highlighted in yellow) during Tue's Globex session was the initiative sell programs (ISP) at/near 53.15s that entered following the probe above Mon's D shape Balance and the structural implication of false breakouts for the opposite activity. 

Tuesday's Micro-Blog Excerpt II
via The Daily 

Noted here (highlighted in yellow) ahead of the NY open, was the development of the Structural Sell Spike, 52.70s-52.25s and its implications following the Globex false buyside breakout. Initiative sell programs (ISP) entered at/near 52.25s-52.20s, implying potential for price discovery lower toward the listed Key Downside Reference Levels. Ultimately, the market traded toward the Avg Daily Range Low area.  

Tuesday's Auction 
via The Daily