Weekend News 12Oct

 28Sep-03Oct Auction

As noted in last week's analysis, focus on response to Prior Support/Breakdown Point, 89s-88s, for negation or confirmation was key in this week's auction as selling interest drove price lower, confirming the breakdown, achieving a Stopping Point, 83.59s, near Major Structural Support within the June 2012 Demand Cluster. Focus into next week's auction on response to Stopping Point Low and potential for Balance development.

05-10Oct Auction 

Central Banks


  • Who Is Standing Behind Declining Oil Prices? (Pravada)

Supply/Demand & Markets 

  • Companies Tout Inflated Reserve Numbers To Public v Regulators. (Bloomberg)
  • US Merchant Refiners Take Oil Trading In-House. (Reuters)
  • US Refineries Running Out Of Flexibility On Crude. (Reuters)