Midweek News 30Jan

Source: EIA (Jan 2013)
Central Banks
  • Jim Grant Opines On Interest Rates. (CNBC)
  • Carney Will Face Commons Probe On BOE Inflation Targeting. (Bloomberg)
  • India Cuts Rates By 25bps. (FT Beyond BRICs)
  • Stanley Fischer To Step Down In June From Israel Central Bank. (AP)
  • US Plan For Mideast & Asia: Shadow Wars/No Interventions, Sayeth Escobar. (RT)
  • John Kerry Expected To Achieve Sec. Of State Appointment. (AP)
  • US Pledges $155mil In Aid To Syrian Rebels. (RT)
Supply/Demand & Markets
  • API: +4.2mil v +2.6mil exp. (Reuters)
  • EIA: +5.9mil v +2.5mil exp. (EIA)
Outrageous Market Fortune
  • How JPMorgan's $5mil Loss Rose 80-Fold In Minutes. (Zerohedge)
  • Bank Probes Find Manipulation In Singapore NDF FX Market. (Reuters)
  • Hank Greenberg's Polemic. (Bloomberg)