The Brent-WTI spread closed higher last week at/near $18.46 while the Brent-WTI correlation declined only slightly. USDollar-WTI correlation once again moved back toward non-correlation (-.98 to -.29). |
- FED & BOJ Asset Buying. (Reuters/Catherine Trevethan)
- Flash PMIs: US, Eurozone, & China. (Markit)
- China PMI. (Reuters/Catherine Trevethan, Christine Chan)
- EMs & QE3. (FT Beyond BRICs)
- Fund Flows & QE. (FT Beyond BRICS)
- Help The Poor & Middle Class, Encourage Deflation. (Of Two Minds)
- Can Saudi Arabia Really Lower US Gas Prices Ahead Of Election? (Zerohedge)
- As China-Japan Conflict Escalates, Whom Will US Support? (Zerohedge)
- US Warns Brazil On Tariffs, Gets Rebuked. (Reuters)
- BP Proposed Buying Russia Rosneft Stake. (Reuters)
- Shell Cleared To Drill In Alsaka's Beaufort Sea. (Telegraph)